Custom Forms: Big Upgrade

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Custom Forms: Big Upgrade
Posted on Tue, May 17, 2011
We've made a big upgrade to the "Custom Forms" feature. Click for more information!
The Custom Forms feature was one of the first parts written for our software many, many years ago, and it's had very little attention paid to it over the years. We've now given it a complete rewrite to make it much easier and more powerful. Your existing forms and results have been preserved and can be managed in the new interface.
Here's a rundown of the best of the new goodies:
New panel-based interface, using Ajax for a snappy and seamless experience.
A new "Properties" button allows you to change the form options after you've created it.
Drag-and-drop reordering for fields.
Paragraph fields are now a separate type (as opposed to simply long text boxes).
A link has been added to turn a paragraph box into a full HTML editor.
Easy links have been added to accept email addresses, phone numbers and URL addresses.
Text fields can now have placeholder values.
Fields can now have hints - helper text displayed below the prompt.
Dropdown menus can now be prepopulated with common lists (countries, states, months, days and years).
A checkbox field has been added.
The scale control now gives an easy slider for input, along with new options to label the low and high parts of the range ("Poor" to "Excellent", for example).
You can now add formatting, including notes, field sets, and horizontal lines.
Any pre-blurbs have been converted into notes, for more control.
The rewrite allows us to add things more easily, so expect to see some more powerful new form features soon. Let us know if you run into any problems, or have any feature suggestions!