Media Manager Redesign

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Media Manager Redesign
Posted on Tue, Dec 31, 2013
We've added some great new features to the Media Manager!
Our Media Manager feature is now even better:
- Folders! The most-requested feature is here. It's now possible to organize your media into folders. Folders can default to be closed, making very large libraries much more manageable.
- Drag-and-Drop Reordering - Want to move media items up or down in the list? Just drag them! You can even drag them into folders.
- iOS / HTML5 Player - Your videos will now play on iPhones, iPads, and any platform which lacks Flash! The Audio widget (for embedding on non-Media Manager pages) isn't yet ported, but we're working on that.
- Streamlined Upload Form - We've re-organized the confusing upload form to make it easier. Note that each media item is now audio or video, and can't be both (a feature that wasn't being used), and the media item is now required (this is a media manager, after all).
Please let us know if you have any troubles or comments!